Nextgen Electric’s staff can direct you through the plan and establishment of your structure or homes alarm framework. We can give a turnkey alarm establishment from the designing, plan, item determination, deals, establishment, administration, checking and support. On the off chance that you experience difficulties, ground flaws, blunder codes, or simply adding another smoke or horn strobe. Our group of alarm specialists can assist you with your establishment just as yearly support and confirmation. Get in touch with us to plan your free discussion today! Call (201) 321-8949.

Residential Fire Alarms
You just get a single opportunity to hit the nail on the head. You can take that risk with us since we ensure your alarm works totally the first run through. Beginning to end and everything in the middle, you can believe Nextgen Electric with your alarm framework needs. Our professionals consistently ensure the trustworthiness of your alarm framework is kept up with, at all times.
You likewise can rely upon us to realize the neighborhood fire codes to guarantee that your property is sufficiently secured. Your private alarm establishment needs will be dealt with by our completely authorized and reinforced expert electrical technicians. These include:
- Fire caution frameworks
- Smoke indicator
- Carbon monoxide caution framework

Commercial Fire Alarms
In the event that you have a Siemens, Simplex or Tyco framework introduced or being introduced in your office. We can work hand and hand with these industry goliaths to get your framework ready for action. We will work straightforwardly with their group to ensure your alarm framework is introduced effectively and on schedule.
Testing & Repair Service
Fixes, smoke identification, examinations and testing are only a couple of the indispensable administrations needed to guarantee the wellbeing of your kin and resources. In the event that you at present have an alarm framework introduced, you need to have it looked at regularly. In the event that you are uncertain of the appropriate testing methodology, you can get in touch with us for testing and any fundamental fixes. With more than 15 years of administration, aptitude and information in the alarm and electrical fields, our group at Nextgen Electric gives a full scope of fire and life wellbeing administrations that are in severe consistence with NFPA to guarantee that your framework is totally up to code. Call (201) 321-8949 to plan a free consultation.